January 2014 Newsletter

Training at Shepperton Weir, 2 Jan 2014


Wishes you all a very Happy New Year!

We hope you have all had a wonderful festive season.

It is our 20th year so, lots to celebrate!  There is a lot of planning going on to make this a wonderful year of paddling with plenty of training opportunities and exciting trips ahead!
But, before we get on with the new – a quick shout out to the old!

2013 ended with a few changes to the Committee.
Annie Brown completed her two year stint as Chairperson and handed over the reins to Rebecca Mole.  Annie has now taken over the loan boat scheme from Jane Margiotta.  Jim Maher has replaced Mike Breeze as club treasurer.
Earlier in the winter term Roisin Gilmartin took over from Ruth Norman as Blades Slalom Admin and child welfare.  We also said farewell to Ashleigh Nash and welcomed Claire Winter as new Polo secretary – Premier League.  The full Committee list and contact details can be found on the website  http://www.tckc.org.uk/committee/.
A big THANK YOU goes out to those who have left the committee for all their hard work and an equally big welcome to their replacements and of course ongoing appreciation to those committee members, coaches and other volunteers who continue with the hard work that make Tandridge the amazing family club that it is.

We are certainly, looking forward to an great paddling year  –

This term’s dates for your diary:
Premier League:  January 5th, 19th.  Feb 2nd, 16th. March 2nd & 16th
Development League:  January 12th, 26th. Feb 9th, 23rd. March 9th & 23rd
There is still availability for new teams please spread the word.
Contact Dave Exall (smiley.kayaking@virgin.net) for further information. Also, if your child wants to give it a go and doesn’t have a team, make contact anyway as he/she may be able to fit in with an existing team or we may have enough extras to make up a team.  Lots of information re: canoe polo on our website.
Canoe polo is great fun and a good starting point for kayak development.  Many of our most successful multi-disciplined paddlers started out in polo and are now enjoying success in canoe slalom, freestyle and also having fun on the rivers, etc.  So if you know of someone that is interested, please ask them to get in touch.  They would be welcome to a trial session.

It was a whirlwind 2013 season – Alfie Phillips promoted to division 1. Oscar Cano-Mole ended up no.1 in division 3 and Ryan O’Shea-Pert and Jake Hutchinson just missed promotion to division 1.
Have a look at the Tandridge league table http://www.canoeslalom.co.uk/rankings/club_league2013.shtml?clubid=47&Show=Show to see how you fared.
Winter training is now  in full swing… lots of hard work ahead for our slalom paddlers and some are already taking advantage of the higher waters!  There have already been a few good sessions at Shepperton this week! Photos in the website gallery.
Also a word of congratulations goes to Alfie for being selected as part of the SE Region’s Elite squad and to Ryan for being selected as part of the SE Region Academy.
Slalom competition season starts  in March.  Shepperton will be hosting the first Div 1/2 competition of the season on 22 & 23 March.  This is an early heads-up to offer your help, the competition relies on volunteers so even a few hours of your time goes a long way…
Competition dates can be found on our  website  http://www.tckc.org.uk/club-sections/canoe-slalom/canoe-slalom-calendar-2014/ with more information on the canoeslalom website

This is a Tandridge run slalom competition and an important event on our calendar.   We need you!
For the success of this event we need ‘all hands on deck’, please offer your help to the organizer, Rob Phillips.
It is also an excellent opportunity for your son/daughter to have a go at slalom – if they are new to the sport.
Helpers are required on Friday 4th for set-up.  The course needs to be installed from scratch so some muscle will be useful!
Are you a budding entrepreneur or chef? We are still looking for someone to run/organise the KITCHEN/food stall!
Additional help will be needed over the weekend – in control, Start/Finish, judging, kitchen, safety and several other jobs.
Plus, the show won’t be over till the course is down, so loads of help from all afterwards please.
This can be a fun weekend get together and excellent opportunity to get involved and meet other club members!
Contact: RobPhillips Phillips robinpx1@gmail.com for further information and to register your assistance for either or both days.

Another date for your diary –
8 & 9 February – DART & DEVON RIVERS TRIP
Fancy a bit of whitewater fun?
Join us for a paddle on Devon rivers for some white water fun! Dart or other Devon river.  Spaces are filling up fast, so book your place now!  Travel down February 7th. Time to paddle February 8th & 9th!
Staying at the Harford Bunk House near Ivybridge, the weekend is a great chance to enjoy some of the best English white water.
More information on the website – http://www.tckc.org.uk/events/dart-trip-february-2013/
Contact Alyna as soon as possible if you would like to attend or if you require further information.
It if you are a non-paddling parent of a whitewater paddler, don’t be put off – plenty to do in the area whilst they are on the water!

Early notice – SIX WEEK PADDLING COURSE (2 star training including river trips)  Venue is likely to be Thames Young Mariners, Ham, Richmond.
Sam Margiotta will be running a six week training course during the April school holidays.  He is looking for suitable candidates. If you are interested or know someone who may be keen to give kayaking a go – please contact him for further information and to secure an early place. Once he has finalized the dates and details we will send out an updated post.  Contact: SJMargiotta@uclan.ac.uk

ALPS 2014
Are you ready for some adventure?
The campsite is booked 25 July to 3rd August with the canoe slalom bootcamp running from Sunday 27th July to Friday 1st August.
Please register your interest with Rob Phillips.
Also for teasers, tasters and to let you know what you are in for – check out the Alps photos  http://www.tckc.org.uk/gallery/
You will need to register as a member on the site to gain access.
Plenty more on our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/tckcalps/ this is private group so you will need to request access…  You will find links to Mark Pert’s videos on our website.

3 STAR FREESTYLE COURSE – Lee Valley,  26 January
Are you confident on whitewater?
Would you like to improve your freestyle skills?
Dan Daley is willing to run a private 3 star Freestyle course for our club on the legacy course at Lee Valley.
Sunday 26 January has been suggested. Please send Christine Norris your email and telephone number as soon as possible if you would like a place.  It is only 3 weeks away!  Please also let her know if you want to do the course but can’t do that particular date.
Christine contact details: 01883 715902  river.runner@virgin.net

North Wales  – 30 & 31st August
Please contact Christine Norris river.runner@virgin.net if you are a competent white water paddler and would like to join other Club paddlers on this trip as she needs to book the bunkhouse soon!

Grown out of your boat?
Or want to try something different?
Why not have a look at our loan boat scheme http://www.tckc.org.uk/boat-equipment-loan/
More information on what is currently available will be in the next newsletter, but we have something in the shed for all shapes and sizes. Please contact Annie Brown for further details Annabel.brown1@btinternet.com

Do you have anything for the newsletter or website?
An interesting (kayaking) story, perhaps?  Some photos to go with?  Perhaps you have done something different/new on the water – we’d like to hear your experiences (young and old).  A story from a bygone era?
Perhaps you want to get rid of some old kit?  Sell off a boat or two?
Get rid of tent? Anything?
we can include this in the next newsletter.  Please email: Lynelda@btinternet.com We would love to hear from you.

Nomad Logic race/train cut for 55kg paddler
Carbon cork sandwich construction
Signed by Etienne Stott
Minimal damage that has been fully repaired. Asking £700 ono
Contact: Becky Gelver – beckygelver@gmail.com
photos are on the Shepperton FB page

UPCOMING EVENTS RUNDOWN – full details will be posted and available on the website as and when we have them.

Events in BOLD are already posted and require some form of action or replies, as applicable to you.

Sunday 5 January – Canoe Polo Prem League starts new term, fortnightly

Sunday 12 January – Canoe Polo Development League starts new term, fortnightly

Sunday 26 January (or another date to suit the candidates)
3 Star Freestyle course at Lee Valley, organiser Christine, run by Dan Daley

Weekend of 8/9 Feb – Devon Trip – organiser Alyna
Competent paddlers. Organiser Alyna Cope
Sun 16 or  23 February – Mole paddle – organiser Paul Knight
Sun 2 or 9 March – Nene whitewater intro – organiser Graham
Sun 16, 23 or 30 March (or another date to suit the candidates)
Intro to WWSR for Juniors – Lee Valley – organiser Christine
run by Dan Daley
22 & 23 March – Shepperton Div 1/2 Slalom competition.
Sun 23 or 30 March – Wey Navigation – organiser Paul
Organiser Paul Knight
5 & 6 April – Yalding div 3/4 Slalom Competition – Organiser Rob Phillips. Tandridge event – help required!
2 Star training – a 6 session course to include river trips for the same group of paddlers
Run by Sam on dates between 13 & 27 April – a mixture of TYM and rivers – the first week coincides with Easter holidays.
Weekend of 12/13 April – Llandysul – organisers Paul Knight, Dave Exall
Weekend in July – The Bitches – organisers Jacob and Alfie   for competent white water paddlers.  Professional Coach will be in attendance.
25 July – 3rd August – ALPS 2014
August – Wey Navigation – organiser Dave Exall
Weekend of 30/31 August – Tryweryn – organiser Christine
Weekend in Summer/October – Adults – Sea Kayaking, Coasteering and SUP Weekend – organiser Alyna


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